I received these beautiful polymer clay spindles from Jame in NC. I met her on Ravelry and fell in love with her tiny bead spindles. We arranged a trade - some of my fiber for 2 of her spindles! I'm really happy with them. Aren't they cute?
Last year around this time, I ordered some colored cotton bolls from Laura in NC. I ordered Erlene's green, Nankeen and Rust colored cotton. Well, I ginned the nankeen and spun that up. I saved the seeds and sent some to Joan in MS, who so graciously agreed., to plant some for me. The weather this season wasn't the most ideal due to lots of rain in MS. However, Joan did manage to salvage quite a bit of the bolls. She sent me a big box of nankeen cotton! Here it is:
Teri (whom I met through Spindlers yahoo group and on Ravelry) and I have done some trading in the past also. Earlier this year, I traded her some of my polymer clay bead spindles for a nice little spindle she made. Recently, Teri got some fiber from Dean's cotton Farm in NC. They have a cotton maze which they bulldoze at the end of the season. GASP! So she asked if she could have some of the cotton. I inquired about it and she volunteered to share some with me. Here it is:
Maria, a friend from my craft group, came to the last meeting with this cool apron that she'd sewn, and I thought it would be really cool for holding knitting and spinning supplies on the go. I asked her to make one for me. She suggested we should barter for it instead of spending money. Her little girl needed some fingerless mitts, so we decided to barter those for the apron. She received the mitts today and I have my apron. Here it is:
Craft people prove time and time again to be some of the most generous people around. Seriously! With the exception of Maria, I have never met any of these ladies. All of our dealings are done online. All of the online friends I've made through crafting have been so kind, generous and genuine. Thanks to all of you.
wow Jill its like Christmas at your house for you!!! At least spinning Christmas! Its all beautiful I am so jelous of the bead spidnles they are beautiful!!! Hugs Marion