Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I can't believe the entire summer has passed by so quickly! It seemed extremely short this year, and I worked very long hours through it all. I'm home for a few days and decided to do an update. The garden has kept me busy this summer. I put a lot of time and effort into producing food for my family and I must say that I didn't do too badly at all! I only experienced two failures - canteloupe and cucumbers. They didn't survive, but everything else did very well. The bell peppers and hot peppers, that I planted from seed,are finally ready for harvesting. The tomatoes, kale and collard greens have been the steadiest producers.
I did a lot of experimenting just to see if things would grow and I was happily surprised. For instance, I took four red beans and planted them in a pot. They germinated and grew quickly. Of course with only four seeds planted, I didn't get many beans but I got a few which I will save for replanting next year.
My cotton plants are growing nicely, both in the ground and in pots. One set of cotton plants in pots are heavy with bolls yet to open. The other pot of black leaf cotton has produced three bolls, two of which have popped open to expose the beautiful fiber inside!