Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pretty Things!

I just had to share these really cute items I scored recently while thrifting. Generally, when I go to the thrift stores, it's to seek out hand made pottery and ceramics. But, I think I did well to find these really pretty cups. I love to drink tea, and drinking out of a pretty cup just makes you feel oh so pretty! LOL!

Mikasa "Ivory China"

Unnamed yellow teacups with flower print and gold rim

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize that the thrift store offered support spindle cups! Who knew?

    Very pretty. I feel pretty when I use my pretty cups, too. I especially like to make a pot of tea, and put the tea and the cup on a tray and then go somewhere other than the kitchen or dining room. *Then* I feel especially pretty.

